Often property owners are perplexed on why prospective tenants choose another house in the neighborhood rather than choose theirs. What turned them off to the property? Was it the rental price? Were there a lot of homes ...
It often seems that a property owner does not have any rights and that tenants call the shots, the courts only rule in favor of the tenant, and the attorneys end up with all the money. Just look at the multi-million doll...
You never know when something can happen that will require a large amount of cash, such as a disaster where the property is located, a major maintenance expense, an unexpectedly long vacancy, or a problem with a tenant t...
As your property management company, we want to bring an important issue to your attention but while reading this article, please remember we are not dispensing tax advice. For that, we urge you to talk to an expert on t...
How would you rate yourself as a knowledgeable landlord? We thought we would put together a list of questions that landlords should know. It is and always will be, our policy to keep you intelligently i...
There is a concentrated effort around the world to reduce and eventually eliminate the use of ozone-depleting refrigerants. We want to make you aware that legislation now exists that could have a direct impact in the fut...
There are many reasons to maintain a clean, neat, and attractive landscape on an investment property. When a unit is vacant, it helps to attract good tenancy. While occupied, it helps maintain neighbor relations and refl...
The long-term goal for buying an investment property is to build equity and value over and above the initial investment of the property. In the interim, it is generally to provide the investor with yearly tax advantages ...
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) has a long history and is under the regulation of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Originally enacted in 1970, the FCRA is an amendment to add a title VI to the Consumer Credit Pro...
The Golden Rule has been around for ages; you can trace its origins back to many religions in ancient times. The Golden Rule or ethic of reciprocity is an ethical code or morality and actually has a positive and negative...